Bowen Outback

Allison at Bowen Outback is a Nationally Accredited Bowen Therapist offering professional consultations and effective treatments.

Bowen Therapy is gentle, safe and effective. It produces rapid and lasting relief from pain and discomfort. It is safe to use on people of all ages including newborn babies and the elderly.

Bowen Therapy empowers the body to heal itself. This works through a series of gentle, precise moves that stimulate energy flow which activates the body's own resources for healing.

Bowen therapy should be considered for a range of conditions including:

Back pain and sciatica
Neck pain and restriction
Stress and tension discomfort
Knee problems
Ankle and foot problems
Menstrual and hormonal issues
Frozen shoulder
Pelvic and groin pain
And more...

In most cases between 1 and 3 treatments are all that is required to resolve a problem.

One does not have to be unwell to benefit from a Bowen Treatment. It is an ideal way to help the body function at an optimal level of health and efficiency.
